1. Why use Yoyo Go?
Yoyo Go gives you all the benefits of a custom standalone loyalty app, minus the
exorbitant costs and endless admin. It was designed and built with the specific
needs of businesses just like yours in mind, and it will help you build and grow
customer relationships in ways that make a real and meaningful difference to
 your bottom line.

Yoyo Go has four main objectives:
● To increase the frequency of your customers’ visits
● To increase your customers’ average basket size
● To increase customer retention, and
 ● To attract new customers to your store.

Your customers are suffering from a nasty case of app fatigue (don’t worry, it’s
non-fatal and easily treatable with the app-lication of Yoyo Go). They simply won’t
download an app for every business they visit. Yoyo Go offers them a centralised
loyalty app for all their favourite SMBs (which is what Mark in Marketing calls
Small-to-Medium-sized-Businesses), while empowering you to engage with your
 customers like never before.

 Yoyo Go offers you a number of other important benefits, including:


  • Reducing transaction time by encouraging customers to pay by card and
     removing the need for separate loyalty cards.
  • Ease for cashiers - no separate loyalty cards need to be scanned or
    stamped, which also increases security and decreases the potential for
     loyalty abuse.
  • Reduces cash payments, mercifully speeding up end-of-day banking admin.
  • The app gives you the ability to market to your customer base and offer
    rewards based on previous purchasing behaviour.

2. How do I Register/Onboard?
We’ve made onboarding as a merchant super simple and quick. Create a Yoyo
account by entering your email address, verifying it and creating a password.
Enter your retailer and outlet information and then get straight to the good bit:
 setting up your loyalty programme!

You can choose between setting up a Digital Stamp Card or a Digital Points
 Programme, then follow the simple steps and you’re ready to roll.

3. How should I set up my loyalty programme?
There are two ways of structuring your loyalty programme. Choose whichever
one you like best!

  • Set up a Digital Stamp Card to encourage customers to visit you more often
    or spend above a specified threshold to earn a stamp. Once the stamp card
    is filled, the customer will be automatically issued with a voucher for a
     monetary discount that you define.
  • Set up a Digital Points Card to encourage increased customer spend across
    all products. Customers will receive 1 point per 1p that they spend with you
    (so a customer spend of £7.39 would release 739 points. Quick maths!)

Customers can save up their points and choose when to exchange them for
 different point store items (for example, £1 discount, £5 discount, £10 discount)


4. What’s the difference between a Digital Stamp Card and a Digital Points Programme?
The Digital Stamp Card is a nod to days of old, where the stamp pad was always
dry and customers took ages rifling through their wallets for physical stamp
cards. With this option, your customers will earn stamps each time they make a
qualifying purchase. When they fill up their stamp card, they’ll be able to redeem
 the reward you have chosen to offer.

A digital points programme allows your customers to earn every time they spend
in your store. They’ll then be able to redeem these points against a selection of
 rewards that you’ve set up.


5. What reporting does Yoyo Go give me?
(Reporting Dashboard)
The Yoyo Go reporting dashboard is designed to help you understand your
customers and your business better, giving you accurate data on the total value
and number of loyalty transactions, your customers’ average basket size, their
 favourite time of day and day of the week to visit you, and much more.


6. How do I customise my Merchant Space?
In the Yoyo Go app, your merchant space is like your digital shop-front.
Customise it by uploading your logo and choosing a nice cover image that
 defines you and your business.


7. Setting up a Digital Stamp card
Set up your Digital Stamp Card programme during the sign-up process. To do
 this, you’ll be prompted to:


  • Select the number of stamps that your customers should earn before they
     are rewarded with a voucher (between 4 and 10).
  • Select whether your customers should earn a stamp per visit (i.e. earn a
    stamp if you spend over £10) or per amount spent (i.e. if a customer spends
     £20, they will earn two stamps)
  • Enter a ‘Reward Name’
  • Enter a ‘Reward Description’ (this acts as your reward’s terms and conditions)

8. Setting up a Digital Points card
Set up your Digital Points Card programme during the sign-up process. To do
 this, you’ll be prompted to:


  • Add and configure as many rewards as you like.
  • Identify how many points your customers have to earn to redeem each
     reward (remember, customers will earn 100 points for every £1 they spend).
  • Input the monetary value that each reward should be redeemable against.
  • Enter a ‘Reward Description’ (this acts as your reward’s terms and

And just like that (insert finger snap), you’re good to go!

9. How do I edit my loyalty programme?
In your dashboard, click the heading labelled ‘Loyalty’ to manage your loyalty
 programme. Add, remove and edit your rewards here! Easy!

 10) How do I edit my retailer details?

Upload a new business logo and change your cover image under the ‘Manage
 Retailer’ heading in your dashboard.

10. How do I edit my outlet details?
Scoot over to the ‘Manage Outlets’ heading in your dashboard. You can add, remove
 or edit an outlet here.