In the event that you may have issues logging into the portal, it is suggested that you clear your browser cache and retry.

Here are instructions on how to do this based on the browser that you are using:

Microsoft Edge 

  1. Click on the "Hub" symbol in the main menu. 
  2. Then browse to the "History". 
  3. Now you can click on "Delete the whole History". 
  4. Check the option "temporary services and files" and confirm the selection with a click on the "Delete" Button.

Google Chrome 

  1. Click on the "Menu" in the upper right corner of Google Chrome and Open the Browser setting. You can recognize the menu by the three stacked dots. 
  2. Next, you select the option "more tools"
  3. In the next step click on "Delete Browser data"
  4. Now you can follow the steps from the description above and select the specific time period (Step 3).

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Press the key "Alt" on your keyboard. The window menu from Firefox opens. 
  2. In the menu, "History" select "Clear Recent History…" 
  3. Now the Popup-Window opens like described in the instructions above. 
  4. Follow the steps above from the second step.

Internet Explorer 11 

  1. Click on the cog-symbol in the upper right corner of the browser and open the menu "Extras"
  2. Select the item "Internet options"
  3. In the tab "General" you can find a section "Browser history". When you click on the button "Delete" a new Window opens. 
  4. Now you are on the same page as in the description above. 
  5. Follow the steps from Step 2.


  1. In the title bar of the browser window click on the "Opera" or on the "Menu" button. 
  2. In the following menu "Settings" chose the item "Data and Security"
  3. Below the Headline "Privacy" you'll find the button "Delete Browser data"
  4. After clicking that button a new window opens. 
  5. Select the time period "since Installation" to delete the whole browser cache. 
  6. Enable the checkbox next to "Images and Files in Cache"
  7. Confirm your settings with the Button "Delete Browserdata"
  8. Reload the website.